this is my PalmOS stuff. So what's a Palm? The Palm is a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant).
It's more or less an organizer (with an address book, a date book etc..) but it has many cool features. Just check out
Palm Inc. the company who builds the Palm ;-]
So what can you do with your Palm ... you could write some cool software (PalmOS.com). My software is listed on this site, just continue reading.
I bought my first Palm (PalmPilot Professional) around Christmas 1997. I wrote my first Palm program about one month
later. I was working part time for the consulting company (in Darmstadt - Germany) DELINEO AG. I also worked for CitiKey (as
far as I know they no longer exist) as a software developer.
At the German PalmSource in 1999 at Munich I won a TRGpro. This is a Palm model
build by HandEra (formerly known as TRG). Just check their website to learn more about the TRGpro. I also wrote
a review (in German) on the TRGpro, if you want to read it just follow this
link. I also found a small easter egg
in the version of PalmOS that runs on the TRGpro and on the HandEra 330. If you own a TRGpro/HandEra 330 check
this website TRGpro/HandEra 330 software (at www.handera.com)
If you're a Palm developer too, goto my PalmDevZone and check the
PalmOS Developer Exchange.
Serial HotSync cable for the Clié
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