I noticed that I tend to use mobile internet via GPRS/UMTS more and more mostly because of my Nokia N800 and now N810. But somehow UMTS no longer does it for me, it is too slow. So I started looking for a cheap way to use HSDPA. The solution is a cheap HSDPA USB modem and a pre paid HSDPA SIM card. Last week I found a nice Huawei E220 on eBay and today I bought a FONIC SIM card for 9,99 Euros at Lidl. The price looks good 1MB/24ct. I know that if I use more then 100MB/25Euro per month a flat rate is better.
I just tried it out and yes I got 120KB/s (just a quick download).
Now I just need to build or get one of those USB power injectors so I can also use the HSDPA modem with my N810.
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