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Tuesday, October 18 2016

Mobile Security News Update October 2016

    PacSec October, Tokyo. Demystifying the Secure Enclave Processor by Mathew Solnik. Finding Vulnerabilities in Firefox for iOS by Muneaki Nishimura.

    ACM CCS Workshop on Security and Privacy in Smartphones and Mobile Devices (SPSM) October, Vienna Austria. All talks are related to mobile security.

    O'Reilly Security Conference October, NYC. Securing 85% of the world's smartphones by Adrian Ludwig. How Plantronics honed its headsets to create secure wearables by Erik Perotti.

    SyScan360 November, Shanghai. Browser Bug Hunting and Mobile by Francisco Alonso and Jaime Penalba. Demystifying the Secure Enclave Processor by Mathew Solnik. Running Code in the TrustZone Land by Edgar Barbosa. Analysis of iOS 9.3.3 Jailbreak & Security Enhancements of iOS 10 by Team Pangu. Security Vulnerabilities on Online Payment: Summary and Detection by Zhang Qing and Bai Guangdong.

    KiwiCon November Wellington, NZ. Let's do the Timewarp Again by Karit.

I'm going to be at the O'Reilly Security Conference on Monday the 31st (maybe also the other days). I super excited to speak at KiwiCon this year!

I'm interested in Google's Project Fi does anybody have insights into using it with non Android phones? I've found several posts on this topic but nothing convincing yet. Posts also seem conflicting.

Best of mobile security in pictures:

source ThreatPost

I've seen this warning a lot in the last couple of weeks while traveling:
This is the real reason for the Galaxy Note 7 recall

While searching for the link to the recall:



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