...stuff I do and things I like...

Sunday, November 23 2014

Mobile Security News Update November 2014

I'm still waiting for the 31C3 program to be released, but since I was reviewing the security submissions I can tell you that there will be a bunch of good mobile security related talks this year. As usual I will be in Hamburg to attend CCC.

So far there are no upcoming conferences that have released their program yet.

I've recently updated to Android 5.0. Overall I think it turned out quite nice. The changes related to notifications suck really badly. Apparently you cannot turn off audio and vibration but still get the visual notification (LED). I really liked the old way to set notifications: ring/vibrate/off. The extended battery time everybody is talking about I don't recognize (Nexus 5). The more tight integration with googles services sucks too. Why does it need to show my google account logo on the top right of my status bar? This is useful for what?

Links and Stories: Android bugs:


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