Thursday, January 05 2006
mh57 just pointed me to a Spiegel Online article about Bluetooth advertising or
BlueSpam as I like to call it. Its about a German company which uses Bluetooth
to beef up their billboards in Berlin. Apparently they just push images, videos, text ads and coupons to any Bluetooth device in range. This is annoying
but you can of course just ignore/reject the transmission or turn of
visibility. The actual security/privacy problem is that people maybe
get used to accept connections from certain senders e.g. BlueSpam
(of course you wouldn't name your system BlueSpam). So what keeps me
from standing next to one of the billboards naming my laptop
BlueSpam and instead of sending a coupon I send hello.jpg. And since some phones still
don't show what the Bluetooth connection is for I just pull their
phonebook etc., the user will just see Allow connection from BlueSpam?
Sure I want that coupon.
This is not a good idea!
Btw. the company doing this stuff is: Wall AG