Wednesday, September 07 2005
is a feature of the newer ThinkPads, I don't know if this is a T series
only feature. This thing is featured in some of the ThinkPad ads on TV -
the one where one guy drops the ThinkPad of his co-worker and don't loose
any data because of this thing - a silly ad. Anyway this feature is
software based and therefore you need a driver - which is available for
Linux since mid 2005 (if I read the website correctly). The hdaps hardware is basically just a tilt and motion
sensor, where a piece of software needs to monitor the sensor and park the
disk if anything strange is detected.
The Linux hdaps driver of course
can do much more then motion/tilt detection. It has a build in mouse device
so you can abuse the sensor for stuff like playing pinball :-) and there
are other fun applications for testing the sensor.
Anyway I started writing a Gkrellm plugin
for it which works quite good. But from time to time I get a Kernel ups
in the ibm_acpi module (which works find without hdaps), so I decided to
not use hdaps for now. But I really like this thing and I look forward to
get a ibm_acpi compatible version (if this is the real problem). Any one
who ones a ThinkPad should check this out.