This year the videos are available just 6 days (actually just 4) after the congress was over. It kind of extends the congress into the first week of January so you can watch the talks with the congress still fresh in mind. Just great!
Over the weekend I watched nearly every talk that I wanted to see but missed at the congress. Some of the good was were: Deconstructing XBox 360 Security, Elektronische Dokumente, Security Nightmares and Mifare Security.
Contradictory to what I wrote before there was a highlight at this years congress: Mifare Security. These people really reverse engineered a tiny RFID chip (size 1x1mm) using polishing and x500 microscope. Watch the video!
Security Nightmares had a fun part about electronic toy robots and what you could do with them (e.g. eavesdropping). People where asking all sorts of questions about various toys such as the Nabaztag. This is indeed really interesting since all of the newer/fun toys have some kind of network/internet connectivity which could be ab-used for many things. Botnets made from toys?
With this fast video release the Chaos Communication Congress (one of the best events in the hacking area anyway) now set new standards! This is the way to go!
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