...stuff I do and things I like...

Friday, June 30 2006

Linux phones made to suck!

I just found this editorial titled The Chaos of Incompatibility in Mobile Linux on OS News. The guy really got it right! The mobile phone manufacturers really screwed up their Linux phones.

I really want a Linux-based mobile/smart phone but I haven't found a decent one yet. As the author, I don't care about Java/J2ME. It is slow, incompatible and just sucks. These companies just don't get it, just Linux doesn't do it. They need to publish native SDKs to allow 3rd party applications. Otherwise these Linux phones are not better then any other closed phone platform.

I personally put my hope on the h63xx and BlueAngel Linux ports.

IT2006 Final is out!

The final version of the IT2006 OS/firmware for the Nokia 770 was released to developers today. Get it here: maemo.org/downloads/nokia_770


now that I graduated (with a MS in Computer Science) I'm now officially looking for a job. Also I graduated from UC Santa Barbara (USA), I'm looking for a job in Germany since I'm moving back there relatively soon.

I've added a very basic job description to my personal page, so if you're interested in hiring me check out the mini description. Of course I have a full resume/CV/Lebenslauf available upon request.